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I'm too creative to sit behind a desk

February 20, 2011

Flourless Chocolate Cake

I'm obsessed...with chocolate!  A couple of Sundays ago, I was reading the Parade magazine and saw a recipe for an easy Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe.  I knew I had to try it.

7 ounces of dark chocolate (50-60%)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
4 eggs


Melt the butter and chocolate in a double broiler

 Separate the 4 eggs.  Add half of the sugar to the egg yolks.  Then add this mix to the melted chocolate (make sure to temper the eggs before pouring all of it in the chocolate - scrambled eggs in this would not taste good)
Beat the egg whites and slowly add in the remainder of the sugar until stiff peaks form
Fold the chocolate into the egg whites then pour into a greased 9" cake pan and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 40 minutes
 Ta-daa! Serve with powdered sugar, fruit, whip cream...whatever pleases your taste buds!

Might I add, it's hard to bake and take pictures of the food!

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