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I'm too creative to sit behind a desk

March 13, 2011

Chocolate Mousse...with a twist

Chocolate mousse is one of the best creations...EVER.  I've been wanting to make it for a while now but the ingredients are very discouraging: heavy cream, 6-8 eggs, sugar, chocolate, etc..Ah!  When a craving comes along, I go to Whole Foods and get my fix...UNTIL NOW.  This chocolate mousse recipe is delicious, easy, and much lower in fat and calories!  Do NOT let the first ingredient discourage you  :) 

16 oz. silken tofu (1 package)
4.8 oz. semi-sweet or dark chocolate (50-60% cocoa)
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
1/8 tsp cinnamon

1. Puree tofu in blender until smooth
2. In a double broiler, melt remaining ingredients until smooth
3. Add chocolate mix with tofu and blend well

 Let it set in containers or tartlet shells for 2-3 hours (see pictures below), garnish with fresh fruit or chocolate shavings.  (PS: Tartlet shells = store brought, bakery aisle)



  1. Hooray for tofu! I'm dubbing you chef patissier. Tres bien mademoiselle.

  2. Neena! You never seize to amaze me! You go girl! Can't wait to silken my diet =)
